Thursday, July 31, 2008

A message to Senator Feinstein

I should like to start out my blog with a somewhat controversial subject, covered by the following message that I sent to Senator Feinstein in 2007:

"From: Robert N. Beatie []
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 1:29 PM
To: ''
Subject: Immigrants

Dear Senator:

I have heard that you are in favor of an incremental approach to solving the “illegal immigrant” issue. Let me suggest an excellent place to start:

There are many so-called illegal immigrants who are, indeed documented. They have applied to the IRS for a tax ID and have received one. Thus they have been documented by a branch of the U. S. government and, by implication, received approval to remain in the United States. How many of these folks there are I do not know, but there must be a great many Otherwise the Bank of America would not incur the potential unfavorable publicity by issuing credit cards to them if there were only a few.

Now, why do we not allow all of those people who have a tax ID, who can show evidence of having filed income tax returns for at least three years, and who have passed a criminal background check, to apply for citizenship, if they so choose. There should be no attempt to fine them. They will have demonstrated the intent and ability to participate as contributing members of our society. This simple approach may well resolve a third or more of the reported 12 million “illegal immigrants”.

Robert N. Beatie"