First a brief apology for the large time gap in my blog postings. My computer had a major failure and I had to reformat my hard drive. In the process all of my contact information was lost: telephone numbers, mailing and e-mail addresses,… I am still in the process of recovering.
Here is the posting on which I was working before the computer meltdown:
Well, folks, you have already been introduced to Alexander, Chico, and Lil Maya . Today I want to introduce you to Gina Lee. Gina Lee’s “parents”, Sharon and Richard, have just moved from New York City to San Diego. Evelyn and I dog sat Gina Lee for a couple of months until Sharon and Richard picked her up last week.
Gina Lee is black with a small white blaze on her chest. She is a pug on both ends, head and tail, and something else in the middle.
Having four dogs in the house is something of a circus. Gina Lee and Lil Maya love to play tug of war with Lil Maya’s rope toy. The two also spar with gentle nips. During these bouts Chico tries to join in but doesn’t quite know how. So he resorts to trying to hump Lil Maya. These attempts are not well received. Alex tends to hang back, apparently not wanting any part of the activity. However, when Lil Maya is not engaged with Gina Lee she will chase Alex all around the house and when she catches up will chew on Alex’s ears and neck.
On occasion it got a bit crowded in bed with all four dogs wanting to sleep with us. I guess you can tell that we are dog lovers.
And here is the latest update:
Evelyn and I will spend Christmas day with Sharon and Richard in their new apartment in San Diego. We will bring Gina Lee home with us for a week or so. Sharon and Richard are catching the red-eye to San Marten Christmas night to spend a week with Richard’s parents.
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