Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Death Penalty

The past couple of days there have been news reports of two long-delayed executions. That, and the fact that I have been called for jury duty next week, has lead me to contemplate the issues surrounding the death penalty.

Being somewhat old-fashioned and analytic, I tend to address these sorts of questions with the use of a Ben Franklin balance sheet, thusly:

Attributes of the Death Penalty

  • Recidivism rate is zero.
  • Some crimes are so heinous that they demand the death penalty.
  • Some innocent individuals are convicted.
  • Typically it takes many years to carry out the sentence - "Justice delayed is justice denied."
  • The many, many appeals cost the tax payers a lot of money.
  • The cost of incarceration of a death-row inmate is a lot more than for a "lifer".
I could go on, but these, I think, are the major points. My conclusion after weighing these aspects of the death penalty:
  • Philosophically I am very much in favor of the death penalty, BUT
  • Unless we can return to the days of the old west and carry out the sentence within thirty days there is no practical value to imposing the death sentence.

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