Tuesday, May 21, 2013

“nine-two-nine Grass”

Fire sirens are blaring!
Rush out of class
Bound down the stairs
Race to the fire station
Jump aboard the water tanker
Sirens screeching, lumber to the grass fire
On the hillside behind the campus
Too late, as usual.  Fire’s out

Frank has the top bunk
Next to the bulkhead
Where the fire gong is mounted.
When someone “pulls a box” somewhere on campus
The gong loudly proclaims the location of the box
A specific code for each box.
That’s a LOUD gong.
Folks can hear it clear across the Quad.
Frank once slept through an alarm
His head no more than two feet from the gong.
Some people are heavy sleepers.

Robert Niel Beatie – February 24, 2013

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